S.C.R.A.P fly-tipping
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste and can be as small as a single bag to an entire truck load of rubbish. Even leaving donation bags outside a charity shop or waste next to a full bring back is fly-tipping.
Everyone has a legal responsibility - known as a duty of care - to ensure their household or business waste is disposed of correctly. Even if you pay someone to dispose of your waste for you, if they fly-tip it then you are still responsible.
About two thirds of all fly-tips are household waste either garden cuttings, furniture, black bags or white goods (washing machines, fridges, etc). So, you have a big part to play in helping us tackle fly-tipping.
How you can prevent fly tipping
The rogue traders dumping rubbish across Wychavon can only do so if you give them your waste.
By only using properly licensed waste carriers to take away your household or garden waste, you can protect yourself from prosecution and our beautiful distict.
Remember, it's your waste, it's your responsibility!
Follow the S.C.R.A.P code to protect yourself and our countryside.
Suspect all waste carriers. Don't let them take your rubbish until they provide proof of registration. Note their vehicle's number plate.
Check that a waste carrier is registered on the Environment Agency's website or call 03708 506 506.
R efuse any unexpected offers to have your rubbish taken away. If you do not trust that someone who
you have spoken to will be disposing of waste legally, report their vehicle registration and
name to the Environment Agency.
A sk how your rubbish will be disposed of and seek evidence of this.
P aperwork must be obtained. This includes a proper invoice, waste transfer note or receipt, including a description of the waste being removed and the waste carrier’s contact details.
Report fly-tipping
Fly-tipping is an illegal activity. If you see it in action, call
the Police on 999 and report it as a crime in progress.
All fly-tipping should be reported to us whether you saw it happening or have just discovered a pile of dumped waste.
Visit our report fly-tipping page for more information.
Search for a registered waste carrier
Always carry out your own research when choosing someone to take away your waste.
You can find licensed waste carriers in your
neighbourhood by calling the Environment Agency
on 03708 506 506 or use the online search for a waste carrier tool.
Remember, our bulky waste collection service will take away household furntiure and other large items.
You can also sign up for our garden waste collection service and we will deal with your grass cuttings, tree prunings etc.
Why fly-tipping is rubbish
We spend thousands of pounds a year investigating and clearing fly-tipping. That's money that could be better spent on the services we all need and rely on.
Other reasons fly-tipping matters incude:
- It is dangerous to people, animals and the environment
- It is ugly and spoils our towns and devalues the local area
- It harms the countryside and costs landowners thousands of pounds to clear
- It encourages others to dump more
- It attracts other anti-social behaviour such as graffiti and vandalism
Disposing of business waste
If you run a business, no matter what the size, then you are legally responsible for the waste you produce.
It is your legal responsibility to always use a registered waste carrier, and/or register to transport your own waste.
The correct paperwork must be kept for at least two years. A lack of understanding will not stop you receiving an unlimited fine in court.
Visit our disposing of business waste page to find out more about your legal responsibilities and how our commercial waste collection service can help you.
Find out more about registering to transfer your own waste on the Government's website.