Supplementary Planning Document - Local Listed Buildings
- Search For Applications
- Making A Planning Application
- Heritage and Conservation
- Planning Policy
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Ashton under Hill Neighbourhood Plan
- Beckford Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Bredon, Bredon’s Norton and Westmancote Neighbourhood Plan (Bredon Parish)
- Broadway Neighbourhood Plan
- Cleeve Prior Neighbourhood Plan
- Crowle Neighbourhood Plan
- Dodderhill Neighbourhood Plan
- Drakes Broughton and Wadborough with Pirton Neighbourhood Plan
- Droitwich Spa Neighbourhood Plan
- Eckington Neighbourhood Plan
- Elmley Castle, Bricklehampton and Netherton Neighbourhood Plan
- Harvington Neighbourhood Plan
- Honeybourne Neighbourhood Plan
- Inkberrow Neighbourhood Plan
- North Claines Neighbourhood Plan
- Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan
- Ombersley and Doverdale Neighbourhood Plan
- Pebworth Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Sedgeberrow Neighbourhood Plan
- South Lenches Neighbourhood Plan
- Whittington Neighbourhood Plan
- Hanbury Neighbourhood Plan
- Tibberton Neighbourhood Plan
- Planning Policy Monitoring
- Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents
- Brownfield Land Register
- Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Other Planning Services
- Planning Enforcement
- South Worcestershire Building Control
- Appeal Inquiry: Land At (Os 8666 5944), Dilmore Lane, Fernhill Heath
- Appeal Inquiry: Orchard Farm, Defford Road, Pershore, WR10 3BX
The pdf Supplementary Planning document (286 KB) will set out what local listing is, the nomination and adoption processes for Wychavon District Council.
We would like to gather your views on the proposed document and wish to invite you to engage with our consultation beginning on 21 September and ends on 19 October 2021.
The document is also available to view at the following centres:
- Pershore Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive
- Droitwich Spa Community Contact Centre, Droitwich Spa Library
- Evesham Community Contact Centre, Evesham Library
- Malvern Hills – The Council House, Avenue Road
- Upton-upon-Severn Library, School Lane
- Tenbury Wells Library, 24 Teme Street
Contact us:
Or write to us at:
Local List Consultation,
FAO Molly Edwards,
Heritage Services,
Planning & Infrastructure,
Civic Centre,
Pershore, Worcs.,
WR10 1PT
We very much welcome your views.