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Planning advice and guidance

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Planning advice and guidance

We recommend using the advice and guidance tools below to help you work out if you need to apply for planning permission. These tools do not provide a definitive source of legal information.

Do I need planning permission?

Planning permission and Building Regulations approval are two separate things. You may need one or both depending on your project.

Some developments can be carried out without planning permission. This is known as Permitted Development. Visit the Planning Portal website for advice and guidance on common household projects that can be done without planning permission.

Unfortunately, other than in respect of Listed Building related enquires (Which can be submitted via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), because of a significant increase in our workload we are currently unable to offer our Permitted Development Enquiry Service and therefore if you want to be certain that the existing use of a building is lawful for planning purposes or that your proposal does not require planning permission, you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate. This certificate confirms that a proposed or actual development or use is legally permitted. They are also available for Listed Buildings.

In some cases where planning permission is not needed you may still need building regulations approval. To check, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also download the building regulations information pack.

Pre-application advice service 

If planning permission is needed for your development, we can provide you with advice before you submit a full planning application. You will have to pay for this service.

Submit a pre-application advice request

Pre-application advice applications will have their fee refunded where the applicant commits to and delivers on:

  • The installation of a low carbon/renewable energy technology on an existing building (solar panels, heat pumps etc).
  • Householder developments that include the installation of low carbon/renewable energy technology (e.g. extensions with a solar panel etc) that exceed the policy/regulatory requirements in operation at that time.

To request a refund, please email the Planning Support Team This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details of the pre-application advice application, the relative planning application and a signed letter stating which of the above points you committed to and the date of completion.

Charges for pre-application advice

The table below sets out our fees for offering pre-application advice from the 1 April 2024 for residential developments.

This fee has been waived for new and expanding businesses that create employment opportunities and for developments that meet environmental standards or deliver a meaningful contribution to carbon reduction.

Pre-app type Residential Development (including conversions and replacement dwellings) Residential Development (site area, when numbers unknown) and Non-Residential Developments (site area, floor space unknown)

Non-Residential Development (proposed floor area - gross, measured externally in m2)

Fee for the first three meetings (including VAT) Fee for each additional meetings (including VAT)

Size/ Scale of proposal

1 to 4 dwellings

Less than 0.5ha

500 or less




5 to 9 dwellings

0.6 to 0.99ha

501 to 999




10 to 49 dwellings

1 to 1.25ha

1,000 to 2,499




50 to 199 dwellings

1.26 to 2ha

2,500 to 9,999




200 or more dwellings

More than 2ha

10,000 or more



*Including one-for-one replacements, conversions and sub-divisions.

The table below sets out the fees for offering pre-application advice from the 1 April 2024 for other types of development.

Type of development - Fee including VAT (for each additional meeting)

Advertisements £77.05 (£41.60)

Change of use £219.34 (£112.80)

Glasshouses or Poly Tunnels £324.55 (£148.29)

Householder development £53.35 (Not applicable)

All other development proposals not falling within any of the above categories such as variation of removal of conditions, car parks, roads and certificates of lawfulness £148.29 (£77.05)

  • Where a development proposal falls within one or more category, the higher fee will apply.
  • Payment should be made at the time of the pre-application advice request.
  • Read the charging for document pre-application advice (77 KB) document for further advice.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulation 2004 we may receive a request to provide information regarding enquiries for pre-application advice. Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and may involve some information to be released. We may contact you if such a request is received.

Dropped kerbs and crossovers

Planning permission will be needed if the proposed access sits on a classified road.

Even if you do not need planning permission, you will still need permission from Ringway Infrastructure Services. They will also need to create your dropped kerb or pavement/verge crossing.

You can email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01905 751651. 

You can also write to them at:

Ringway Infrastructure Services, Highways House,
Warndon Depot,
Pershore Lane, Warndon, 
WR4 0AA 

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