Street cleansing
We empty over 850 litter and dog bins and have responsibility for the scheduled cleansing of specified public highways in excess of 2,000 miles. This includes all carriageways, pavements and verges within the town centres of Evesham, Droitwich, Pershore and Broadway, together with all other roads within their surrounding built-up areas.
Town centres are cleansed twice daily and all litter bins emptied at the same time. Other areas are cleansed either weekly or fortnightly. In addition all villages, trunk roads, and A & B class roads are cleansed to a schedule ranging from fortnightly, up to every three months.
All roads are cleansed to standards laid down by the Environmental Protection Act 1999 using A - D grading, where D indicates heavy litter levels. Regular inspections are carried out to ensure that standards are met following cleansing. Where these fall below an acceptable level, street cleansing operatives have a specified period to re-instate to Grade A.
Every four months inspections are carried out on three hundred sections of public highway, selected from all parts of the district, including footpaths and open spaces, under Best Value Performance Review 1999. This is as part of Central Government's 'Cross Cutting Review on Improving Public Space'. The standard of cleanliness places us above the national average for street cleanliness.
Weed spraying
Weed spraying of public highways is carried out three times each year between April and September.
The timing of the work varies depending upon the weather conditions as the weedkiller requires 24 hours of dry weather both before and after application for the full effect to take place. Spraying is also avoided where the wind speed suggests that the spray may drift beyond its intended target area.
To be effective the spray needs to be applied to the surface of live plants so that it is absorbed into the plant to kill it. It does not kill dormant plants or seeds, so some re-growth is anticipated and allowed for with the three applications.
The cost of the street cleansing service for a council tax band D property is approx £27 per year, or 52p per week. This includes cleansing of town centres, residential areas, villages, mechanical sweeping of main routes, litter picking of grass verges, weed spraying and the collection of fly tipping and dead animals from public land.
Reporting a problem
Even with regular inspections, with such a high number of miles within the area, it is not always possible to quickly identify where problems occur. We therefore value the help of the general public in reporting to us any public area that has become littered. This will enable early action to be taken to rectify the matter.
If you wish to report that any street in Wychavon is badly littered, report it using the 'Other Request' option.
Or email:
Action will be taken to ensure that it is restored to a good standard within the specified response times applicable to that area.
For further information contact
Client Services
Telephone: 01386 565018 between 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday.