Please note that we have now completed our system upgrade. If you had a self-serve account prior to August 2022 you will need to re-register your details for a new account as we have changed software suppliers.
Log in to your Open Portal (Previously Self Service) account to access, manage and view your:
Council Tax account
Business Rate account
Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support claim
Tenants Housing Benefit claims
Using your Open Portal (Previously Self Service) account can save you time, effort and money. There is no need for you to visit us, ring us or write to us. You can view and manage your account or claim online, at a time that suits you.
View bills and letters we send to you (paperless e-billing)
Set up a Direct Debit or make a payment
Change your payment date
Make an arrangement to pay your council tax if you fall behind with your payments
Tell us about a change of address
Search for a Council Tax band or Business Rates rateable value
Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
Landlords can view benefit awards, payment details and correspondence.
How to register
Fill your details in on the registration page. You will need to tell us:
your account number, claim number or landlord reference (on your bill or benefit letter)
your e-mail address
You will then be asked some security questions about your account or claim. If you answer those questions correctly you will be able to log in immediately.
If you want to use a different way to pay your Council Tax bill and Business Rates? Visit our How to Pay page for options to pay via Cheque, Post Office or telephone.