Dodderhill Housing Needs Survey
Analysis of Survey Results
September 2021
Wychavon District Council has undertaken a housing needs survey of the Parish of Dodderhill.
1142 paper surveys were sent to households within the Parish of Dodderhill. Included was a prepaid envelope, to enable residents to complete and return the survey free of charge. It also provided an option to call and speak to a member of the Housing Services Team or complete online through a web link.
We also promoted the survey through the Wychavon Facebook page run through the Communications Team at the council.
The post stated: We are conducting a Housing Needs Survey in the Parish of Dodderhill, paper surveys including an online link are being sent out to all households within the Parish. We would encourage residents within the Parish to respond to show the true housing need for their area. Closing date for responses is 15 August 2021. Visit to take part.
There were five posts shared on Facebook. They received the following engagement:
2 likes, 0 comments, 2 shares and 2,964 people reached
There were five posts shared on Twitter. They received the following engagement:
2 likes, 0 comments, 5 retweets and 2,627 people reached
Response Rate and Reliability
The deadline for responses to this survey was 15 August 2021. In total 186 valid responses were received, showing a response rate of 16.2%.
With a 95% reliability factor the data is to be true to a margin of error + / - 7.0%.
To be deemed accurate a plus / minus percentage figure should be between 4% and 8%, this survey has scored +/- 7%, so would be deemed statistically accurate. This means that if the survey was repeated with the same methodology, the results would show within +/- 7% of those which are shown within the results of this survey.
The smaller the margin of error, the more confidence you may have in your results. The bigger the margin of error, the further they can stray from the views of the total population surveyed.
As part of the data cleansing process, we check IP addresses for no duplicates (the link from Smart Surveys is set up to only accept one response per IP address). We also check for duplicate responses to eradicate any duplicates. Following successful checking, no responses were removed as duplicates during this process.
We received 117 postal responses (63% of total responses) and 69 online responses (37% of total responses).
How many bedrooms does your current home have?
The majority of respondents stated that they were currently living in a property with 4 or more bedrooms (41%), then 3 bedroom (37%), 2 bedrooms (16%) and 1 bedroom (6%)
What type of home do you live in?
85% of respondents stated that they lived in a house, 11% stated that they lived in a flat/apartment, 3% bungalow and 1% stated “Other.” Their responses were:
- Barn conversion
- Annexe
No respondents stated that they lived in a mobile home or static caravan / park home.
Do you...
- 40% of the respondents stated that they owned their home outright, with a further 37% stating that they owned their own home with a mortgage.
- 1% (2 respondents) stated that they owned a shared ownership.
- 16% stated that they rent from a housing association
- 4% from a private landlord, and 1% stated they are lodging with friends or family.
Three respondents stated “Other” (1 %), one stated the following:
- Live within a trustees property
- Live in an annexe
- Live in a property my daughter owns
Do any of the following apply to any members of your household?
This question is determined to find a local connection or need to live in the Parish due to immediate family or employment for example. This is line with the South Worcestershire Allocations Policy for the allocation of affordable homes.
One hundred and seventy (170) respondents stated that they currently live in the Parish of Dodderhill (91% of all respondents).
A further 7% of all respondents stated that they had employment within the parish, 2% stated that they cared for a family member in the parish and 13% of respondents stated that they also had immediate family living within the Parish.
Households were able to select one than more local connection to the Parish.
Your Future Need
Are you or anyone in your household likely to need alternative housing?
Forty-one (41) households stated that they were looking for alternative accommodation within the next five years (22% of all respondents).
All of those respondents who stated that they wished to move in the next 5 years, did meet the local connection criteria of living in the Parish for 6 out of the last 12 months, or 3 out of the last 5 years.
What might prevent you from fulfilling your future need?
Respondents were able to select all options that applied.
- 58% stated that there is a lack of suitable properties
- 24% stated that they are not able to afford suitable properties
- 12% stated that they were saving to purchase a property
- 6% stated “Other” and provided the following responses: (1) medical need, (2) looking to move out of area and (3) cannot secure 2 bed accommodation with our current housing association.
Would you prefer to?
- 27 households (67%) stated that they would like to buy on the open market
- 10 households (24%) stated that they would like to rent from a housing association
- 3 households (7%) stated that they would like to buy a shared ownership or discount market sales property
- 1 household (92%) stated that they would like to buy a starter home.
No responses were received anyone wishing to private rent, self-build or rent to buy.
What is your total gross annual household income?
- 7 households (21%) stated less than £20,000
- 8 households (25%) stated £20,000 to £29,999
- 2 households (6%) stated £30,000 to £39,999
- 3 households (9%) stated £40,000 to £49,999
- 6 households (18%) stated £50,000 to £59,999
- 7 households (21%) stated £60,000 or over
Eight (8) respondents did not wish to state their household income.
What deposit can you afford?
This question received responses only from those wishing to own their own home, through buying on the open market or affordable home ownership tenures.
- 5 households (25%) stated £3,000 to £9,999
- 3 households (15%) stated £10,000 to £19,999
- 3 households (15%) stated £20,000 to £29,9999
- 1 household (5%) stated £40,000 to £49,999
- 8 households (40%) sated more than £50,000
Eight (8) respondents did not wish to state their household income.
What deposit can you afford?
This question received responses only from those wishing to own their own home, through buying on the open market or affordable home ownership tenures.
- 5 households (25%) stated £3,000 to £9,999
- 3 households (15%) stated £10,000 to £19,999
- 3 households (15%) stated £20,000 to £29,9999
- 1 household (5%) stated £40,000 to £49,999
- 8 households (40%) sated more than £50,000
Eleven (11) respondents stated that they did not wish to state the amount of deposit they had available to them as a deposit.
Five (5) respondents stated that they have under £10,000 deposit, and these responses are based on four (4) respondents wanting to purchase on the open market, and one (1) to buy a starter home. All five respondents stated that they were looking to purchase a home up to the value of £199,999.
It must be noted that these respondents may have to consider another form of tenure to meet their affordability based on income and deposit. Some high street lenders are offering a 5% deposit mortgage scheme.
If owner occupier accommodation including low-cost home ownership at what price range can you afford to purchase?
This question received responses only from those wishing to purchase their own home, through the open market, self-build, or affordable home ownership tenures.
- 11 households (50%) up to £199,999
- 3 households (14%) stated £200,000 to £249,999
- 2 households (9%) stated £250,000 to £299,999
- 1 household (5%) stated £300,000 to £349,999
- 5 households (23%) stated £400,000 plus
Nine (9) respondents stated that they did not wish to state the amount that they could afford.
If rented accommodation is required, what amount can you afford to pay on a monthly basis? This was completed by those seeking rented accommodation only.
Rent from a Housing Association
- 3 households (30%) stated less than £400 per month
- 2 households (20%) stated £401 - £500 per month
- 2 households (20%) stated £501 - £600 per month
- 1 household (10%) stated £601 - £700 per month
- 2 households (20%) stated £801+ per month
Is your Parish….? Respondents were able to select all that applied to their household.
Respondents were asked if the parish was a nice place to live, 176 out of the 183 respondents (96%) stated that it was. Three (3) respondents did not provide an answer to the question.
- 72% of respondents stated it was a friendly Parish to live within
- 46% respondents stated that the Parish had a good community spirit
- 7% of respondents stated that they felt crime was an issue in the Parish
- 41% of respondents stated that they felt the Parish is a sought-after location
- 37% of respondents stated that they felt the Parish has a balanced and varied population
Over the past three years, do you feel that your parish has:
- The majority (60%) stated that the Parish had not changed in the last 3 years
- 30% stated they believed that the Parish had changed for the worse
- 10% felt that the Parish had changed for the better
How much of a problem is traffic congestion?
- 47% felt that it was a regular problem
- 40% stated it was an occassional problem
- 13% of respondents did not feel that traffic caused a problem
How much of a problem is parking?
- 45% felt that parking was not a problem
- 30% stated that they felt parking was an occasional problem
- 25% felt that parking was a regular problem
How much of a problem is speeding?
- 54% felt that parking was a regular problem
- 33% stated that they felt parking was an occasional problem
- 13% felt that parking was not a problem
What is access to public transport like in your parish?
- 54% stated that they believed public transport was regular
- 29% felt that there is no access to public transport
- 17% felt that there was irregular access to public transport
If regular public transport were available how often would you use it?
- 47% stated that they would never use public transport.
- 36% stated that if public transport was available that would sometimes use it
- 17% stated that if public transport was available they would use it frequently
Key Worker Accommodation
Do you meet the definition of a key worker?
Forty-five (45) households (24% stated that they met the definition of being a key worker.
What is your total gross annual household income (including all other benefits)?
- 6 households (17%) stated less than £20,000
- 7 households (20%) stated £20,000 to £29,999
- 2 households (6%) stated £30,000 to £39,999
- 1 household (3%) stated £40,000 to £49,999
- 8 households (23%) stated £50,000 to £59,999
- 11 households (31%) stated over £60,000
Ten respondents did not wish to state their household income.
Do you require alternative key worker accommodation in the future?
Three out of the forty five key workers (7%) said that they would need alternative accommodation in the future.
What type and size of accommodation do you require?
- 1 household required a 3 bed house, buy on the open market to a value of £250,000 to £299,999
- 1 household required a 2 bed house, to rent from a housing association (rent not defined)
- 1 household required a 2 bed house, to rent from a housing association for a monthly rental of £500 to £599 per month.
Affordable Housing
Would you support a small affordable housing development for local people in your parish or surrounding parishes?
Seventy-seven (77) households (41%) said that they would support affordable housing within their parish or the surrounding parishes. A further one hundred and nine (109) 59% stated that they would not support affordable housing.
How many houses do you feel would class as a small affordable housing development?
- 32 households (42%) stated 10 or less
- 21 households (27%) stated between 11 and 20 units
- 9 households (12%) stated between 21 and 30 units
- 15 households (19%) stated more than 30 units
Housing Register
As at 13 October 2021, Housing For You data showed that there were 1373 households registered with a banding which indicates that they have a local connection to the Wychavon District. These households have the following bedroom need:
1 bed – 715
2 bed – 402
3 bed – 193
4 bed – 58
5 bed – 5
As at 13 October 2021, there were 27 households registered with local connection to Dodderhill. These households had the following bedroom need:
1 bed – 11
2 bed – 12
3 bed – 4
Do you currently have a live housing application through Housing For You?
In total 9 households (5%) stated that they had a current application through Housing For You, the remaining 177 (95%) of respondents did not have a current application.
Community Led Housing
Would you support a Community Led Housing development for local people in the parish?
- 74 households (40%) stated that they would support Community Led Housing within the Parish
- 112 households (60%) stated that they would not support Community Led Housing within the Parish
What communal facilities would you like to see included in a development?
- 58 households (23%) said that they would like a garden
- 60 households (23%) stated that they would like car parking
- 10 households (4%) stated that they would like a guest flat
- 14 households (5%) stated that they would like an office or computer facilities
- 29 households (11%) stated that they would like washing / drying facilities
- 22 households (9%) stated that they would like cooking facilities
- 27 households (11%) stated that they would like an indoor area for social events
- 35 households (13%) stated that they would like wifi access
- 2 households (1%) stated “Other” and both stated “Shop.”
What involvement would like you like to have in the project?
- 2 households (10%) would like to be involved in project development
- 2 households (10%) would like to be involved in the design
- 1 household (5%) would like to be involved in construction
- 4 households (20%) would like to be involved in project management
- 1 household (5%) would like to be involved in the legal side of the process
- 2 households (10%) would like to be involved in financial advice / guidance
- 1 household (5%) would like to be involved in marketing / publicity
- 4 households (20%) would like to be involved in property maintenance
- 3 households (15%) would like to be involved in ongoing management after the project completion.
- 16 households stated that they were unsure if they would like to get involved.
Do you have any additional comments about Community Led Housing developments?
- Inadequate facilities at the moment, so insufficient to support such developments.
- We have too many houses already.
- The Parish over the past few years has had more than average housing development with zero infrastructure improvements.
- We do not need any more houses in Wychbold as there have been new estates built already
- No, there seems to be numerous places to rent in the area.
- The roads cannot cope with any more housing
- I do not agree with any housing developments on green belt land such as the Chateau Impney’s latest proposal as there have been far too many houses built in the Droitwich area over the past few years without the infrastructure being increased. No more houses until infrastructure is increased to the level it needs to be for the area.
- There is already enough affordable housing in Wychbold. Wychbold has grown massively over the past 20 years and there are very few employment opportunities or infrastructure. Wychbold consists almost entirely of housing. The fact that it is on junction 5 of the M5 means that far from encouraging sustainable modes of travel, Wychbold encourages people to hop onto the M5 in their cars for work purposes or clog up the A38 that runs through the locality. Community housing would be better placed in town centres where there is an abundance of vacant premises which could be converted and much better local job opportunities and infrastructure, making car usage largely unnecessary.
- I consider that the Parish has ample Community Led housing
- Do not want land built on, area needs to remain green and ensure facilities not overrun and keep its village status. There is enough housing currently.
- In favour of mixed tenancy/tenure developments, not solely for social rent. We already have too many social rented housing in the area of Wychbold
- The one at Bradley Green looks interesting but I would prefer somewhere near to local facilities and not in the countryside.
- Too many houses already in the area. Lots of new houses and lots of houses built that are being used for Air BNB.
- Wychbold has already been over developed. The infrastructure isn’t there to support more housing.
- There would appear to be plentiful community housing already within the village with new stock added in the two recent developments
- Some people who have lived here for a long time are not welcoming to new residents and affordable homes.
- Use homes already in existence before building more and using green space
- If it was along the lines of a retirement village, like the Bromford Housing and Mcarthey and Stone, are strong examples and would free up family housing.
- Wychbold is overpopulated and roads cannot cope, nor can the schools or the doctors.
- I think we have had enough development over the last 3 years
- Infrastructure for schools, doctors, roads to accommodate extra traffic. As long as proper infrastructure is put in place before house building starts. When work started on Weston Hall Road, traffic was awful.
- We have enough new homes in our area which already cause traffic issues and parking problems. We cannot sustain any more development.
- No, this village has become too full of affordable housing. When will enough be enough?
- They lead to more traffic and parking problems.
- Our village is already overpopulated as a village and losing its identity. We also support all ages for social housing right through to bungalows and residential care facilities for the elderly. The village has more than doubled in size and no further facilities doctors etc.
- Need more council houses and less private houses
About the Parish of Dodderhill
Ward Profile
The Parish of Dodderhill includes the following parishes:
- Dodderhill
- Upton Warren
The total population is 2484, split by 1403 male and 1445 female.
The total population is split 22.3% as under 20, 58.2% aged between 20 and 64 and over 65, 19.5%.
The Parish of Dodderhill has increased by 396 people (+16.2%) between 2011 and 2018.
The housing tenure is split by:
- 324 (33%) homes owned outright
- 406 (42%) homes owned with a mortgage
- 83 (8%) homes which are rented privately
- 152 (15%) homes are rental at an affordable rent
- 22 (2%) are listed as “Other.”
This data is relating to the 2011 Census
The housing type is split by:
- 440 detached homes (43%)
- 286 semi detached homes (28%)
- 178 terraced homes (17%)
- 115 flat/maisonette (11%)
- 10 caravan / mobile home (1%)
This data is relating to the 2011 Census
Housing Market
We assessed the properties purchased on the open market within the Parish of Dodderhill.
Purchases on the open market in Dodderhill
Within the last 12 months, twenty-one (21) properties have been sold. The average price of these properties sold within the previous 12-month period is £272,857.14. This is slightly lower than the ward profile average of £316,795.00
The property prices ranged from £164,000.00 to £480,000.00.
Currently on the market
When looking at properties for sale in Dodderhill (within 1 mile of the Parish), as of the 15 October 2021l, 3 properties were listed for sale, with a maximum value of £395,000 and minimum value of £250,000. This provides an average house price of £323,333.33 This is much higher than the average ward sales price of £316,795.00.
Properties available ranged from 4-bedroom house, to a 1 bedroomed cottage.
Private Rental
When looking at properties for rent in Dodderhill (Within 1 mile of the Parish), as of the 15 October, the following two properties were available. One being a 4 bed semi detached property for £1000 per month and a one bed retirement property for £640 per month.
The survey received a response rate of 16.2% showing a margin of error to 95% as + / - 7.0%.
It is possible that not all residents with a housing need will have responded, although a paper survey was sent to all households within the Parish. A copy of this can be seen in Appendix One.
The survey has identified forty-one (41) households stated that they were looking for alternative accommodation within the next five years (22% of respondents). Of these:
- Twenty-seven (27) stated that they would buy on the open market
- Ten (10) would rent from a housing association
- One (1) stated they would buy a starter home
- Three (3) stated that they would like to purchase a discount market sales or shared ownership property
Three keyworkers confirmed that they would require additional housing:
- 1 x 3 bed house, buy on the open market, with a budget of £250,000 to £299,999.
- 1 x 2 bed house, rent from a housing association (no monthly rental amount disclosed)
- 1 x 2 bed house, rent from a housing association, with rent of £500 - £599 a month
For a full breakdown of the housing requirements by tenure and bedroom need, please request a copy of the full report from the Housing Strategy and Enabling Team by emailing