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Parks and Green Spaces


Our Parks

Wychavon is responsible for the parks and open spaces in the Evesham, Pershore and Droitwich areas, including two designated Nature Reserves (one of which is in Broadway). Some other sites are managed with wildlife needs very much in mind and these are noted as Nature Areas.

Photo of St Peters Fields in DroitwichUse the links below to find the information you need:

Droitwich Spa


Nature Reserve:

Play Areas:

  • Lido Park / St Peters Fields
  • Steynors Avenue open space
  • Mayflower open space

For further information telephone 01386 565414 (9am-3pm*, Monday-Friday *voicemails can be left outside of operating hours) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Abbey Park Evesham canal





Skate Parks

  • Droitwich - King George playing fields (behind leisure centre)
  • Evesham - Abbey Park, Evesham
  • Pershore - Abbey Park, Pershore

Water Play Fountains

The Water Play Fountains are due to reopen on Friday 18th April 2025 for the 2025 season.

All opening times are 10:00 am - 6:00 pm 7 days a week.

Set in an attractive area with seats and rubber safety surfacing, water from the mains supply is pumped through underground pipes and sent upwards in a variety of feature fountains and sprays which are great fun to use to cool down on a hot day.

Children or adults can operate the fountains by standing on pressure pads set within the floor surface.

The whole system is operated by automatic electronic control which turns the water on at 10am and off at 6pm each day.

There are no changing rooms on site, so please bring plenty of towels and a change of clothes with you, just as you would for a trip to the beach. Young babies will need waterproof pants over their nappies, and please wear flat shoes in the area so the surface is not damaged.

The water fountains are great fun for all ages and abilities with easy access for wheelchairs. Come along and enjoy the sensation!

Hire our parks and open spaces

The parks, gardens and open spaces are used to host a variety of events throughout the summer months. From brass band concerts, charity events and carnivals to the biggest angling festival in the country.

If you would like to hold an event in one of our parks or open spaces please fill in the events application form.

We will then review your request and get back to you.

We will need at least 28 days notice before the date of your event and the following:

  • Full event details
  • Detailed risk assessments
  • Public liability insurance documents
  • Site plans  
  • Completed event application

Public camping is not allowed in any of our parks and open spaces. Occasionally camping for people attending a particular event is allowed, but this needs to be requested and approved through the events booking system.

Read our pdf Events Guidance Notes (1.94 MB) for more information, before you make a booking.

Responsible behaviour in parks, open spaces and nature reserves

  • Please keep dogs under control and clear up after them using the bins provided
  • Use the litter and the recycling bins provided
  • Respect the trees, grass and planting and do not cause them any damage
  • Do not obstruct, disturb or annoy any other person using the area
  • Do not erect any tent, booth, stand, building or other structure
  • Do not enter or allow your dog to enter any ornamental lake, pond or stream or other water area
  • Do not pollute any water areas of any sort
  • Use of drones to fly over any Wychavon District Council land is not permitted

Please, no:

  • Barbeques (including small portable trays) - see below*
  • Motor cycling
  • Horse riding
  • Metal detectors are not permitted in any of our parks or open spaces

*Please note - we do not allow barbeques, including the small portable trays, to be used in our parks and open spaces as experience has shown that they can cause expensive and unsightly damage to park furniture and/or the grass. Also there is a danger of vegetation fires and the associated left-over food and waste is a potential hazard. We ask for your co-operation in this matter.

View Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions page.

Contact the Parks Team

Wychavon District Council
Telephone:01386 565570. Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm (except 9am - 10am on Friday)

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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