The water play area is open for the summer season and will run from 10:00 until 18:00 seven days a week.
Droitwich Spa is well known for its brine streams that are found 200ft below ground level. Salt collecting dates back to Roman times and in 1817 the Corbett family made the area famous for its salt and brine Baths. John Corbett occupied the land close to the town and opened the Lido Park for the well being of the town's population.
The Lido Park is near the old part of the town with the main entrance and car park off the Worcester Road approximately 100m from the end of the High Street.
The park was awarded Green Flag status for the first time in 2011/12 and each and every year since.

Park features

Water play fountains
Floral bedding displays
Mature trees and shrubs
Fishing at Heriott's pool and platforms for disabled fishing
Feed the ducks at Bishops pool
Hard court tennis (free)
5 a side court with basket ball nets
Children's play areas, enclosed and natural open area
Tree carving, located by the cafe
Wall mural
Car park entrance from Worcester Road, Pay and Display.
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In the park near the Lido cafe. For more information see our Public Toilets page.
Recycling Bins
We now have recycling bins at main points in the park. Please do your bit to help the planet whilst you are in the park by putting your glass bottles, cans and paper in the clearly marked recycling bins.
Dog Waste
Poop scoop bins provided. Please collect up after your dog.
Located around Heriotts Pool and Bishop's Pool inside red cases. For more information see our Lifebuoys page.
Approximately 2 hectares
Lido Pool
Lido Outdoor Swimming pool (located near the Worcester Road entrance). This pool complex is run by Wychavon Leisure Limited and can be contacted on 01905 799342.
Contact the Parks Team
Wychavon District Council
Telephone 01386 565000 between 9am-5pm, Monday - Friday
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.