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Community and Living

Communities and funding advisory panel

Our Communities and Funding Advisory Panel provides our Executive Board with advice and policy development support on community leadership and engagement, community funding issues and the community rights contained within the Localism Act 2011.

View details about the Executive Board

Read Localism Act 2011 on the Parliament website

The panel's responsibilities include:

  • Advising on community leadership and engagement.
  • Considering requests to allocate Section106 contributions and making recommendations to the Board.
  • Considering New Homes Bonus applications and assessing Community Legacy Grant applications from town and parish councils and making recommendations to the Board in accordance with our New Homes Bonus protocols.
  • Advising and make recommendations on any approaches in relation to the Community Right to Challenge and Community Right to Bid as necessary, including nominations for assets of community value.
  • Overseeing our Meet your council ward visits programme. View advisory panel information.
  • Considering Funding applications and making recommendations to the Board.
  • Developing stronger working relationships across all three local government tiers.
  • Organising and sponsoring events including our Wychavon Partners together events and parish council events.

document Read terms of reference (208 KB)

Meetings of the panel are open to the public. View meeting meeting dates, agendas and minutes.

For more information contact:
Tracy Perkins
Call: 01386 565517
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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