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Stoulton Conservation Area changes consultation

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Stoulton Conservation Area changes consultation

We are consulting on proposed changes to Stoulton Conservation Area and a new conservation area appraisal and management plan.

We want to hear the views of residents, community groups, businesses, and others with an interest in the area.

What is a Conservation Area?

Conservation Areas are designated by the local planning authority due to their special historic and architectural interest. In these areas, the preservation and enhancement of the existing townscape, alongside individual buildings, is of particular importance.

A new Character Appraisal of Stoulton Conservation Area was undertaken by us. This highlighted the area’s historic, architectural, archaeological and townscape interest, which was considered sufficient to merit its protection.

A draft Management Plan has also been produced for the Conservation Area, which is located within the administrative area of Wychavon District Council. The draft Management Plan sets out proposals and actions to preserve and enhance its special character.

Changing of the boundaries would impose additional controls on ‘Permitted Development’ rights (rights that allow certain works to be carried out without a planning application) within the areas where the boundary is extended. These controls are set by national legislation. They would not prevent development from taking place but would help ensure it maintains and enhances the area’s special qualities.

Proposed changes to Stoulton Conservation Area

You can read the pdf draft Stoulton Conservation Area Appraisal (14.88 MB) document in full.

A summary of the main changes are also set out below.

Summary of main changes

It has been proposed to change the existing conservation area boundary and to extend it to include areas of the village considered to have special architectural or historic interest that were excluded from the original conservation area.

The proposed boundary will include the rest of the historic settlement situated on the opposite side of the main Worcester to Pershore road from the current conservation area. This area should be included as it is also part of the historic settlement; Stoulton is more than the village around the church, the historic environment, amenity, and administrative areas, as well as the natural environment, extend into this part of the village.

Further inclusion are the pasture fields to the west and north-east of the historic core. These fields are important elements of the economic and overall history of Stoulton and played a significant contribution in its development and financial growth. The fields to the west are historic orchards, with only a handful of trees remaining, and managed pasture likely related to smallholdings; the natural boundary formed by the stream defines this pasture. The fields to the north-east were and are pasture that has remained unaffected despite development throughout the rest of the village, suggesting some important to the economy of Stoulton. Both have special historic interest to the conservation area.

Finally, it is proposed to include the 19th century extension to the very north of the settlement demonstrating the extension of the settlement to provide farmworkers cottages. These cottages are evidence of a prosperous rural village, which required the addition of further housing to support the growing industry. They have been proposed for inclusion in recognition of the historic interest of the growth and prosperity of the rural economy, and the impact it had upon Stoulton.

The affected properties are listed below:

  • Senner Cottage
  • The Swallows
  • Oak Cottage
  • Bears Cottage
  • Holly Cottage
  • Windsor Cottage
  • 1 and 2 Malvern View
  • The Grange
  • Manton Barn
  • Pear Tree Barn
  • Empingham Barn
  • The Hambleton
  • Barrowden
  • The Lyddington Barn
  • The Old Forge
  • Homefield
  • Boxbush House
  • 1-3 Boxbush Cottages
  • The Motor House
  • Forget Me Not Cottage
  • Birch Tree Cottage
  • Merrimans Cottage
  • 2 Council House
  • Froggery House
  • The Meadows
  • Saddlestones
  • Downalong
  • Eden House
  • High Trees
  • Fairview
  • Hillberry
  • The Courthouse
  • Manor Cottage
  • Manor Lodge
  • Kirkfield
  • Manor Bank

Further adjustments have been suggested to allow the boundary to follow recognisable physical boundary features and following property boundaries where it currently takes an arbitrary line through the landscape or properties from its associated land, as at:

  • Village Hall
  • Granary Cottage
  • Manor Farmhouse
  • Briar House
  • Manor Bank

The suggested boundary changes are shown in the plan. They have been the subject of initial informal consultation with Stoulton Parish Council and local district councillors Cllr Rob Adams and Cllr Liz Turier.


A formal consultation on the proposed changes and the new character document and management plan will take place between 11 October 2024 and 22 November 2024.

The consultation documents are available to view below:

A reference copy of the consultation document is available to view during opening hours at Pershore Library, and our offices at the Civic Centre in Pershore.

Find out more

A drop-in information session will be held at Stoulton Village Hall Church Lane, Stoulton, Worcestershire, WR7 4RE on 16 October 2024 between 4.30pm and 8.30pm. 

This is an opportunity for you to speak to officers and find out more about the conservation area and the changes.

Have your say

If you would like to make comments on the proposed changes then they must be done in writing. 

This can be done by filling in the Stoulton Conservation Area Changes Consultation Feedback Form. 

You can also email comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to Stoulton Conservation Changes Consultation, Wychavon District Counci, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT.

Responses must be received no later than 5pm on 22 November 2024.

For more information about how we will use personal information you provide as part of your consultation response please read our Planning Policy Privacy Notice.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the consultation, please get in touch by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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