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South Worcestershire Playing Pitch Strategy

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South Worcestershire Playing Pitch Strategy

The  pdf South Worcestershire Playing Pitch Strategy (1.25 MB) presents an overall framework for the future provision of playing fields across South Worcestershire.

It draws upon the issues identified within separate assessment reports for Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District and sets out the priorities for the delivery of playing pitches for football, rugby, cricket and hockey up to 2030.

It updates the strategies produced in 2010 for each authority. These documents have been successfully used to negotiate public open space section 106 contributions with developers, to negotiate and apply provision at the major growth sites in the emerging South Worcestershire Development Plan and to inform the requirements from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The strategy will also be used by the respective National Governing Bodies of Sport to focus any potential grant investment.

This new strategy seeks to build on the successes of these documents and to ensure that the right facilities are in the right place to meet current and projected future demand. The strategy seeks to support the three Councils and their partners in the creation of:

"a high quality sporting infrastructure that meets the current and projected future needs of players at all levels and promotes participation and physical activity".

It seeks to deliver the following objectives:

  • Protect existing playing fields.
  • Enhance existing playing pitches and tailor them to the requirements of users of the facilities.
  • Provide new playing pitches that are fit for purpose to meet current & future need.

The pdf Wychavon Sports Facility Strategy 2015-2030 (3.50 MB) covers the Wychavon area and accompanies the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy and these documents together, developed using the up-to-date Sport England methodologies, provide the Council with a robust evidence base and set of strategic priorities to direct future sports planning policy and funding in the context of growth.

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