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Street Naming and Numbering

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Street Naming and Numbering

It is the council's statutory responsibility to ensure that all new properties are officially registered and existing properties are registered correctly throughout the district.

Streets are named and buildings are allocated numbers when they are first built and then from time to time, to overcome practical difficulties or to accommodate new development, changes have to be made.

This exercise is necessary if properties are to be clearly and readily identified for purposes of delivery of mail, goods, services and more importantly so that the emergency services can locate premises without delay.

The address database held at Wychavon is maintained to the BS7666 standard of addressing as laid down by Central Government and reflects the geographical location of the property. We are required to hold our Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) in this format and submit to the National Land and Property Gazetteer regularly.  This gazetteer is a central database of addresses that will enable the electronic delivery of property based information.  Each property is allocated a Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and this will enable all information relating to a property to be gathered together.

New Development 

Any new development must be submitted in a timely manner. The process for registering a new address can take up to 6-8 weeks, depending on the complexity of the development and new building or road names being agreed.

Apply online

Alternatively if you are unable to apply online you can email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

When submitting a request for a new address we require the following information:

  • A location plan clearly identifying the new scheme in relation to any existing streets or means of access
  • A final approved detailed plan of the development clearly marked with the plots, units, apartments or flats numbers of the proposed scheme.
  • A final internal layout plan, if appropriate, for developments that are subdivided at unit or floor level e.g. a block of flats etc. The main entrance to the block shall be clearly marked.
  • The approved planning application number.
  • The Building Control application number, if applicable. Along with confirmation work has started/ when work will be starting on site, how far the build is along, and the estimated completion date
  • Proposed building name for a new property, if applicable. However if a street is numbered a new property will be required to be numbered into the street.

Failure to contact the Street Naming and Numbering Service will incur delays when you register for council tax or utility services. 

Please note that there will be a penalty charge of £1000 if, after the street naming and numbering process has taken place, there is a change to the layout.

Application Process

Please note: At Wychavon the following procedures are in place to name and number of new development following a request from the developer:

  • The relevant Parish Councils and Evesham Town Council will be forwarded any suggestions for a street name that has been suggested by the developer to consider when making their own suggestions, then the
    • Recommendation is made known to the developer.
    • If an agreement is not reached between the developer and the Parish Council the Local Member and Planning Portfolio holder are advised.
    • The final decision rests with the Planning Portfolio Holder and Head of Planning and Infrastructure.
  • Droitwich and Pershore Town Councils have the responsibility for choosing the new street names for any new developments within their town boundaries, in accordance with the agreed street naming protocol. Any street names contrary to the street naming protocol need the approval of Wychavon District Council.
  • The numbering is submitted to the developer for agreement.
  • The postcode is requested from Royal Mail
  • The agreed street name is notified to the Statutory Authorities and consultees.
  • The internal departments of Wychavon are notified.
  • The developer is sent details to inform new purchasers.
  • An estimate for the provision of the street signs is sent to the developer
  • On receipt of payment from the Developer, the signs are ordered and the developer erects them.

It is the responsibility of the owners and occupiers to ensure that the number allocated to a property is clearly marked in such a way so that it is in a prominent position and remains legible from the street. The number will always be retained even when owners and occupiers choose to give a name to their property

Add an Additional Street to an Approved Scheme

If you wish to add an additional street to an approved scheme, you will need to submit an application to us.

Apply online

Alternatively if you are unable to apply online you can email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This is a chargeable service. The schedule of fees can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Single Developments or Conversion

Any new development must be submitted in a timely manner. The process for registering a new address can take up to 6-8 weeks, depending on the complexity of the development and new building or road names being agreed. 

Apply online

Alternatively if you are unable to apply online you can email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

When submitting a request for a new address we require the following information:

  • A location plan clearly identifying the new scheme in relation to any existing streets or means of access
  • The approved planning application number.
  • The Building Control application number, if applicable. Along with confirmation work has started/ when work will be starting on site, how far the build is along, and the estimated completion date
  • Proposed building name for a new property, if applicable. However if a street is numbered a new property will be required to be numbered into the street.

Failure to contact the Street Naming and Numbering Service will incur delays when you register for council tax or utility services. 

Application Process

For a new dwelling that is not situated on a numbered road the owner should supply a name for consideration. The choice of name should be checked with surrounding properties to ensure no duplication, which will also be checked when received by us.  We will also contact with Royal Mail to see if they have knowledge of a similar named property in the locality. If the name is satisfactory, then the new address is registered and confirmation sent to the owner accordingly. If there is an issue with the preferred name, we will request alternatives.

The address is then registered with Royal Mail, Emergency and Essential Services and internal departments of Wychavon District Council. It is the responsibility of property owners to inform their own personal contacts etc.

If the new property falls within a numbered street then a number will be allocated. If the property is within a numbered road, then ABCs are used along with the adjoining number (for example 12A, 12B, 12C...).

It is the responsibility of the house owner to display the house name or number clearly.

Change of House Name or Addition of A Name To A Numbered Property

If you would like to add a name to a numbered property or change your property's name, you will need to submit an application to us.

Apply online

Alternatively if you are unable to apply online you can email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For a new dwelling that is not situated on a numbered road the owner should supply a name for consideration. The choice of name should be checked with surrounding properties to ensure no duplication, which will also be checked when received by us.  We will also contact with Royal Mail to see if they have knowledge of a similar named property in the locality. If the name is satisfactory, then the new address is registered and confirmation sent to the owner accordingly. If there is an issue with the preferred name, we will request alternatives.

The address is then registered with Royal Mail, Emergency and Essential Services and internal departments of Wychavon District Council. It is the responsibility of property owners to inform their own personal contacts etc.

It is the responsibility of the house owner to display the house name or number clearly.

Confirmation of Address

If you would like to confirm the officially registered address of your property, you will need to submit an application to us.

Apply online

Alternatively if you are unable to apply online you can email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This is a chargeable service. The schedule of fees can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Re-Numbering/Renaming of Existing Streets and Buildings

On rare occasions, it becomes necessary to rename or renumber a street. This is usually only done as a last resort when:

  • there is confusion over a street's name and/or numbering
  • a group of residents are unhappy with their street name
  • new properties are built in a street and there is a need for other properties to be renumbered to accommodate the new properties
  • the number of named-only properties in a street is deemed to be causing confusion for visitors, the delivery or emergency services.

Renumbering of a Street – existing residents will be contacted and their views are taken into account.  We will then consult the Royal Mail for their position on the issue.

Change a Street Name -  to change a street name we will contact the Parish/Town Council so that they can carry out a consultation exercise.  Depending on the result of this exercise, a site notice will be posted on the end of that street for a period of 21 days to inform residents of the proposed change and also advising any objectors that they have the right to appeal to the Magistrates Court.  Depending on whether an appeal has been lodged and the outcome of that appeal, the Site Notice will be replaced with an Order confirming the Street name change.  Note: this will incur charges to be paid by the proposer of the change (this will also include any costs which are incurred should it go to appeal).

This a very time-consuming process and we are only able to deal with one of these issues at any time.

Apply online

This is a chargeable service. The schedule of fees can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

If you would like more information before you apply, please contact us by email using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Provision of Street Name Plates

The Council is responsible for ensuring that street name plates are provided and fitted in suitable positions.  The statutory requirement is for a sign to be placed at the start and end of a road and it is vital in the event of an urgent situation that you and your street can be located quickly by the Emergency Services.

The Council is also responsible for repair and maintenance of street nameplates on adopted roads when this becomes necessary either due to accidental damage, vandalism or normal wear and tear.

In the case of a new development however, the developer is required to provide and erect the initial street nameplates.  These are purchased to the Council's specification and the costs are covered by the developer.

The funding available for the maintenance of street nameplates is limited and therefore a list of works is maintained and the repair and replacement is on a priority basis.  There are a number of signs which are old but if they remain legible will not be replaced immediately.

Report A Damaged Street Name Sign

Report Highway Signs e.g. speed Limit, Village signs

Schedule of Fees

Street naming and numbering schedule of fees  
Adding new street £293.55

Renumbering of site

and for each additional premises



Renaming a building with multiple addresses (such as flats/apartments) £77.25

Renaming of an existing street

And for each property

Plus any necessary costs associated with an appeal



Confirmation of address letter £21.11
Fine for damaging, obscuring or removing a street sign £211.15
Fine for erecting an unauthorised street sign £211.15

Street signs for new developments or private roads are quoted on request. Please request these by email.

For more information contact:

Telephone: 01386 565456
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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