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Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan

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Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan

Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan ‘Made’ (Adopted) - 1 December 2021

At its Council meeting on 1 December 2021, Wychavon District Council 'made' (adopted) the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan; it now forms part of the Development Plan for Wychavon District. The adopted Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan and Decision Document can be viewed using the links below:

Alternatively hard copies of the above documents can be viewed at the following locations:

  • Wychavon District Council, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)
  • Pershore Library, Church Street, Pershore, WR10 1DT (Monday-Friday 9am-5.30pm and Saturday 9am-5pm)

Successful Referendum - 28 October 2021

A Referendum on the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 28 October 2021. There was a 15.4% turnout, with 86% voting in favour of Wychavon using the Neighbourhood Plan for Norton-juxta-Kempsey to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area.

Decision Statement Published and Referendum Date Set for 28 October 2021 – 10 September 2021

Following the examination of the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan earlier on in the year, the Independent Examiner's recommended modifications have been agreed as detailed in the Decision Statement.

A Referendum will be held on Thursday 28 October 2021 to ask voters "Do you want Wychavon District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Norton-juxta-Kempsey to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?"

Please follow the links below to view the documentation relating to the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement and Referendum:

Examiner’s Report Received – 9 August 2021

The Report of the Independent Examiner, Christopher Collison of Planning and Management Ltd, on the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan was received on Monday 9 August 2021.

pdf Examiner's Report - Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan  (906 KB)

Neighbourhood Plan Examination

Wychavon District Council have appointed Chris Collison of Planning and Management Ltd to examine the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan.

document Examiner's Initial Letter (21 KB)

Submitted Neighbourhood Plan Consultation - 21 May to 2 July 2021

Under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Norton-juxta-Kempsey Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Wychavon District Council on 14 April 2021. In accordance with Regulation 16, a public consultation is being held from Friday 21 May to 5pm on Friday 2 July 2021, during which interested parties were invited to make comments on the submitted Norton-juxta-Kempsey Parish Neighbourhood Plan.

Norton-juxta-Kempsey Parish Council undertook consultation on an earlier draft of their Neighbourhood Plan in October and November 2020. Comments made during this period helped inform changes made to the document submitted to Wychavon District Council. The Neighbourhood Plan proposes a number of policies on the built and natural landscape, getting around, community facilities, employment and housing. 

It was the responsibility of Wychavon District Council to collate all responses to the Regulation 16 consultation and pass them on to an independent examiner, who will assess them and the Neighbourhood Plan documents to determine whether the Neighbourhood Plan meets the relevant legislation and should proceed to a Referendum.

To view the submitted Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents, please follow the links below:

To view the responses to the Regulation 16 consultation, please follow the links below:

Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation - 19 October to 30 November 2020

In accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Norton-juxta-Kempsey Parish Council are consulting on their draft Neighbourhood Plan from Monday 19 October to Monday 30 November 2020.

Neighbourhood Area Application - Approved 11 January 2017

Wychavon District Council received an application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area by Norton-juxta-Kempsey Parish Council on 17 October 2016. The application followed the parish boundary where no designation already existed. The Neighbourhood Area was therefore approved by Gary Williams, Head of Planning and Infrastructure Services in consultation with Councillor Bradley Thomas, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy on 11 January 2017.

Please follow the links below to view the documentation relating to the Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Area application.

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