Droitwich Spa Neighbourhood Plan
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- Heritage and Conservation
- Planning Policy
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Ashton under Hill Neighbourhood Plan
- Beckford Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Bredon, Bredon’s Norton and Westmancote Neighbourhood Plan (Bredon Parish)
- Broadway Neighbourhood Plan
- Cleeve Prior Neighbourhood Plan
- Crowle Neighbourhood Plan
- Dodderhill Neighbourhood Plan
- Drakes Broughton and Wadborough with Pirton Neighbourhood Plan
- Droitwich Spa Neighbourhood Plan
- Eckington Neighbourhood Plan
- Elmley Castle, Bricklehampton and Netherton Neighbourhood Plan
- Harvington Neighbourhood Plan
- Honeybourne Neighbourhood Plan
- Inkberrow Neighbourhood Plan
- North Claines Neighbourhood Plan
- Norton-juxta-Kempsey Neighbourhood Plan
- Ombersley and Doverdale Neighbourhood Plan
- Pebworth Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Sedgeberrow Neighbourhood Plan
- South Lenches Neighbourhood Plan
- Whittington Neighbourhood Plan
- Hanbury Neighbourhood Plan
- Tibberton Neighbourhood Plan
- Planning Policy Monitoring
- Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents
- Brownfield Land Register
- Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Other Planning Services
- Planning Enforcement
- South Worcestershire Building Control
- Appeal Inquiry: Land At (Os 8666 5944), Dilmore Lane, Fernhill Heath
- Appeal Inquiry: Orchard Farm, Defford Road, Pershore, WR10 3BX
Neighbourhood Area Application - Approved 11 January 2017
Wychavon District Council received an application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area by Droitwich Spa Town Council on 24 October 2016. The application followed the parish boundary where no designation already existed. The Neighbourhood Area was therefore approved by Gary Williams, Head of Housing and Planning Services in consultation with Councillor Bradley Thomas, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy on 11 January 2017.
Please follow the links below to view the documentation relating to the Droitwich Spa Neighbourhood Area application: